Religious Education
We know educators at Trinity significantly impact student learning in Religious Education by educating our students to live the Gospel of Jesus as successful, creative and confident, active and informed learners.
We know that through vibrant and engaging Religious Education, our students become active constructors of culture rather than passive consumers.
We know our students are challenged to live the Gospel of Jesus in their everyday lives.
We know that best practice in Religious Education is delivered through, pedagogy that enthuses, empowers, and enables the learner to apply skills as a ‘theological inquirer’.

and that is why you will see that in action at Trinity.
We love to inspire conceptual learners who are literate in the Catholic and broader Christian tradition so that they might participate critically and authentically in faith contexts and wider society.

We love to implement learning through an approach to studying and understanding scripture that recognises it is more than simply words on a page
We love to teach around four broad ideas in Religious Education:
- Sacred Texts
- Beliefs
- Church
- Christian Life
We love to support our students to become religiously literate as they develop capacities and skills in discerning, interpreting, thinking critically, seeking truth, and making meaning.

We serve all learners in Religious Education by developing units of work using Achievement Standards, outcomes, and elaborations.
We serve all learners in Religious Education by developing a culture of value and respect for the individual.
We serve our parent community by:
- Sharing students work through media platforms including the school newsletter, Facebook, Website, Youtube, Schoolzine App and Compass.
- Invitation to classroom and school events.
- Welcoming parents and community to support classroom initiatives.

- Providing current developments in Religious Education.
- Opportunities for involvement in different types of prayer and celebrations throughout the school year.
- Parish-school Sacramental Programs for Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation.